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New Partnerships Focused on Solving Human-Induced Problems in the Galapagos Islands
Galapagos Islands: UNC Delegation, February 2008

UNC delegation and Ecuadorian colleagues on the rim of the Sierra Negra caldera on Isabela Island. From left: Paola Pozo, a local botanist; Steve Walsh, professor of geography; Peggy Bentley, associate director, Institute for Global Health; Barbara Entwisle, director, Carolina Population Center; Gary Bowen, professor of social work; Bernadette Gray-Little, provost and executive vice chancellor; Neil Caudle, associate vice chancellor for research; Diego Quiroga, vice chancellor for international programs, University of San Francisco of Quito (USFQ); Holden Thorp, dean of the College of Arts and Sciences; Carlos Mena, PhD graduate of UNC (working with Steve Walsh) and now a faculty member in environmental sciences, USFQ. Feb. 22, 2008.
Credits: Neil Caudle (UNC)