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Trainee Joint Collaboration on an Antimicrobial Membrane


Clean Energy for Green Industry IGERT at UCLA trainee Benjamin Feinberg (Eric Hoek, advisor) in Civil Engineering and trainee Brian McVerry (Richard Kaner, advisor) in Chemistry & Biochemistry have been collaborating on a joint research project on the “Proposed Synthesis of Self Gel-Inhibiting Polyaniline Derivatives Towards Improved Membrane Performance”. They have developed an antimicrobial membrane, which is truly a breakthrough for salinity gradient power as well as many other applications. They plan to start a small spin-off company based on the intellectual property of this project after more progress is made. Thus far, a patent has been filed.

Address Goals

We encourage trainees from different departments to collaborate together on research projects and through these self-initiated collaborations, the trainees gain critical skills in working with scientists and engineers from other disciplines, developing a viable research proposal, managing the project, and staying within the allocated budget.