Trainees present at interdisciplinary conferences

LEAP: Landscape, Ecological and Anthropogenic Processes
University of Illinois at Chicago
(Chicago, IL)
Research Achievements
Trainees present at interdisciplinary conferences
As a result of participation in LEAP courses and projects, LEAP Fellows made numerous presentations at interdisciplinary research conferences during this reporting period. For example, six LEAP Fellows (Grehl, Kuroiwa, Shierk, Gulezian, Druschke, Seltzer) presented posters and oral presentations at the inaugural meeting of the Association for Environmental Studies and Science held at the University of Wisconsin in October, 2009. Three LEAP Fellows (Belaire, Dribin and Shierk) gave presentations at the US-International Association for Landscape Ecology at the University of Georgia in April, 2010. Three LEAP Fellows (Druschke, Nano, and Shierk) discussed the challenges of interdisciplinary research at the National Communications Association National Conference held in Chicago in November, 2009. All of these examples involve presentations of multidisciplinary research undertaken as part of LEAP, beyond the Fellows' primary dissertation research.
- “Research Achievements”
- Achievements for this Project