Methods for treatment of textile composites

IGERT: New Mathematical Tools for Next Generation Materials
Texas A & M Research Foundation
(College Station, TX)
Research Achievements
Methods for treatment of textile composites
In new results, trainee Maxwell and advisors Whitcomb and Ounaies developed global/local analysis methods for treatment of traditional textile composites, and to analyze a 3-phase piezoelectric nanocomposite for the effects of design parameters on performance. The latter material consisted of a thin film polyimide matrix enhanced with carbon nanotubes and piezoelectric ceramic particles. This material could be used in aerospace applications where a flexible sensor is needed. The global/local technique allows modeling of complex material architectures within larger aircraft structures. Maxwell has also been participating in meetings with Cagin's group as part of his traineeship to develop ways to apply atomistic modeling, and extend the capabilities of these models to include first-principles predictions. This collaboration is included in the newly awarded MURI project Functionally Graded Multifunctional Hybrid Composites ($7.5M, Lagoudas (PI), Karaman, Whitcomb, Ounaies coPIs).
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