Novel computational tool for protein sequencing

IGERT Plant System Biology Interdisciplinary Graduate Training Program
University of California at San Diego
(La Jolla, CA)
Research Achievements
Novel computational tool for protein sequencing
Protein sequencing is a challenging and time-consuming experimental endeavor. However, recent advancements in peptide mass spectrometry have enabled the identification of protein sequences using a database of known proteins. These new methods fail for proteins such as alternative splice variants, mutated sequences, and antibodies, which are difficult to account for in a database of reasonable size. In many instances, a curated database of proteins may not be available for the organism of interest. Natalie Castellana, who is co-mentored by Vineet Bafna (Computer Science Engineering) and Steve Briggs (Biology), co-authored a paper entitled "Template Proteogenomics: sequencing whole proteins using an imperfect database" which presents a novel computational tool for protein sequencing in the presence of an incomplete or inaccurate protein database.
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