Trainee receives Graduate Student Policy Award

Global Linkages of Biology, Environment, and Society (GLOBES)
University of Notre Dame
(Notre Dame, IN)
Research Achievements
Trainee receives Graduate Student Policy Award
GLOBES trainee Patrick Shirey is one of three recipients of a 2010 Ecological Society of America (ESA) Graduate Student Policy Award. By demonstrating his commitment to interfacing science with public policy, Shirey won the opportunity to travel to Washington, DC in April to participate in a two-day congressional event sponsored by the Biological Ecological Sciences Coalition, co-chaired by ESA. Shirey visited congressional offices, was briefed by policy leaders on federal funding issues, and met other scientists from across the country to garner federal funding support for science and agricultural research. Shirey has also co-chaired an all-GLOBES student organizing committee that submitted a 2010 proposal for an ESA Emerging Issues Conference that would explore the merits of interdisciplinary collaboration in a real-world context by using the Laurentian Great Lakes as a model system to address issues of land-use change, invasive species, climate change, pollution and wetland loss.
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