Comparing estimates of forest biomass

Biosphere-Atmosphere Research and Training Phase II (BART 2)
University of Michigan
(Ann Arbor, MI)
Research Achievements
Comparing estimates of forest biomass
BART fellows (April Chiriboga and Brady Hardiman) and BART faculty (Gil Bohrer, Chris Vogel, and Peter Curtis) collaborated on research comparing estimates of forest biomass made using ground-based LiDAR measurements and measurements of tree diameter and stem dissections. This is an example of the application of a tool used primarily by atmospheric scientists to an ecological question. While results showed that LiDAR measurements underestimate tree height and thus biomass, site-specific corrections made to the LIDAR data can remove this bias and therefore provide a new technique for the determination of biomass at scales where biometric measurements are impractical and over large, heterogeneous landscapes. This research was presented this past summer at a conference on Carbon in Northern Forests: Integration of Research and Management.
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