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IGERT program produces well-rounded students

Trainee Achievements

IGERT program produces well-rounded students

Kyle Beardsley (UC San Diego, Political Science, ?06), is an example of the well-rounded students produced by the IGERT Public Policy and Nuclear Threats program (PPNT). The fellowship provided him with a supplemental opportunity to explore the nuclear threats aspect of his research in international conflict mediation and helped support his international experience as a visiting scholar at the International Peace Research Institute in Oslo (PRIO). Beardsley’s award-winning interdisciplinary research in nuclear and international security issues has led to numerous published articles, conference papers, invited talks, research grants, and awards, including ‘Best Article of the Year’ by the Journal of Peace Research. His expertise in nuclear issues and public policy has been most recently applied in his capacity as a professor, teaching courses on nuclear weapons and international security at Emory University.