Grant Writing course adds significant value

Predoctoral Training in Functional Genomics of Model Organisms
University of Maine
(Orono, ME)
Education Achievements
Grant Writing course adds significant value
Our most significant added-value component of the program continues to be our "Grant Writing" course. In this course, the students are taken through the entire process of the grant writing process; from development of hypothesis and specific aims, writing the background and significance, developing experimental design and expected outcomes and potential problems. Throughout the course, the students receive regular feedback from faculty and their peers. Because students in the course are writing proposals in different disciplines, the educational value of the course cannot be over stated. Students develop an in-depth knowledge of each other’s disciplines by reading and talking about their respective proposals. They also learn to write in a way that is understandable to reviewers outside their specific discipline. Two students have had their proposals submitted through one of their mentors and have been successful at obtaining funding.
- “Education Achievements”
- Achievements for this Project