EBBL safety application

IGERT: Graduate Program in Computational Transportation Science
University of Illinois at Chicago
(Chicago, IL)
Research Achievements
EBBL safety application
A machine learning approach to "estimating relevance" for the emergency electronic brake light application (EBBL) was developed. The EBBL safety application works by disseminating reports about vehicles that are performing emergency deceleration in an effort to warn drivers about the need to perform emergency braking. Vehicles receiving such reports decide whether the information is relevant to the driver, warning the driver if that is the case. This collaborative work was presented at the Nets4Cars workshop, 7th IEEE and IET International Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks, Digital Signal Processing, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK and at 7th ACM International Workshop on Vehicular Inter-NETworking (VANET '10), Chicago, IL. A third paper on the EBBL safety application is accepted to the 12th IEEE International Symposium on World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks, WoWMoM 2011, which takes place in Lucca, Italy in June, 2011.
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