Undergrad digital culture curriculum

An Arts, Sciences and Engineering Research and Education Initiative for Experiential Media
Arizona State University
(Tempe, AZ)
Education Achievements
Undergrad digital culture curriculum
This past year show the launch of the undergraduate digital culture curriculum developed by the leadership of our IGERT. Already 80 majors have enrolled in the program and 50 more will be joining in August. By August 2013 we will have 250 majors. The backgrounds of the undergraduates range across all areas covered by our IGERT: engineering, science, design and the arts. Our IGERT experience enabled us to develop a truly integrative undergraduate curriculum in digital media across all the related areas of knowledge. IGERT trainees are engaged with the curriculum by mentoring undergraduate research and TAing digital culture courses. The proficiencies based model of the curriculum has drawn national attention. It was the subject of the keynote address (given by the PI) at the 2010 Engineering and Liberal Education symposium at Union College and a key component of a recently submitted NSF STEP center proposal (lead by Union College).
- “Education Achievements”
- Achievements for this Project