Cross-institutional collaborative research

IGERT: Ecosystem restoration through interdisciplinary exchange (ERIE)
University at Buffalo
(Buffalo, NY)
Trainee Achievements
Cross-institutional collaborative research
Trainee Michael Habberfield (Geography Dept.) arranged a collaborative project with researchers at SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry. In spring 2011, he began field work at ESF's Heiberg Research Forest to undertake a mark-recapture study on vernal pool amphibians. The project will enhance understanding of the factors influencing amphibian movements between pools on a landscape scale, a complementary and valuable extension of the research goals of ESF in vernal pool wetland restoration. This new cross-institutional arrangement will produce robust research results that would not have otherwise materialized. Habberfield's own research efforts could have struggled without access to a fruitful field site, and ESF's research would have been falling short of its full potential. Through this collaborative relationship, Habberfield will produce publications co-authored with ESF researchers in Environmental Forest Biology.
- “Trainee Achievements”
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