Trainees develop undergrad seminars

IGERT: Ecosystem restoration through interdisciplinary exchange (ERIE)
University at Buffalo
(Buffalo, NY)
Education Achievements
Trainees develop undergrad seminars
ERIE IGERT trainees in the UB Department of Philosophy developed an undergraduate level 1-credit seminar series on environmental philosophy and issues related to ecosystem restoration. Trainees Donhauser and Earle collaborated with the Department of Philosophy at Buffalo State College (BSC) to develop a series of eight 90-minute introductory lectures in environmental philosophy and ecosystem restoration for college level juniors and seniors in Philosophy. Material developed for the course included a package of relevant readings on environmental philosophy and a set of lecture materials in the form of Powerpoint lectures. The course was offered for the first time in the Spring 2011 semester as an elective seminar and was well received by BSC students and faculty, as well as IGERT students and faculty who attended sessions on a voluntary basis.
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