Strengthening STEM education

Solutions for Renewable and Sustainable Fuels in the 21st Century
Rutgers University New Brunswick
(New Brunswick, NJ)
Trainee Achievements
Strengthening STEM education
In addition to their core research activities, which focus on novel inorganic catalysts for downstream re-formulation of Fischer-Tropsh reaction products to optimize efficient production of transportation fuels, Trainees J. Hackenberg and M. Haibach are actively involved in extensive outreach activities to communicate science to the general public and to strengthen middle- and high school STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) education. The Trainees gave their time generously to host tours of the catalysis laboratory for local community and school groups and to participate in panels such as “What’s It Like to be a Scientist in College and After?” Additionally, expanding on an activity begun by their advisor, co-PI Alan Goldman, under an NSF-CENTC grant, they visited local high schools to mentor students and teachers in a unique “design-your-own-experiment” approach, for example, using dry ice to explore the physical chemical principles of “greenhouse gasses”.
- “Trainee Achievements”
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