Policy Studio course travels to Washington, DC

Nitrogen Systems: Policy-oriented Integrated Research & Education (NSPIRE)
Washington State University
(Pullman, WA)
Education Achievements
Policy Studio course travels to Washington, DC
Our annual trip to Washington, DC as part of the Policy Studio course is a highlight of the NSPIRE educational program that provides students with an unforgettable introduction to the intersection of science and policy. This year, six students, four advisors, and two of our policy faculty faculty, spent five days in DC and visited a number of congressional offices, spent time in a federal agencies, including USDA, NSF, and EPA, and visited with NGOs focused on environmental issues. To promote more interaction between students and policy makers, WSU hosted a reception for the NSPIRE program with invitations to all of the people visited during the week. The reception was held at the Microsoft Innovation and Policy Center with support from Microsoft. The end products of the week will be a network of contacts that students will use to develop opportunities for their NSPIRE placement fellowships.
- “Education Achievements”
- Achievements for this Project