Implementation of banded waveguide (BWG) models

An Arts, Sciences and Engineering Research and Education Initiative for Experiential Media
Arizona State University
(Tempe, AZ)
Trainee Achievements
Implementation of banded waveguide (BWG) models
IGERT Trainee Alex Fink is researching improvements in the implementation of banded waveguide (BWG) models, a type of physical model for sound synthesis. This is a vital component of re-sonification (i.e. analyzing, transforming, and resynthesizing sounds). Alex’s improvement involves use of an alternative filter structure for band-limitation in BWG models such that the order of computational complexity is not increased, while the output is improved. He presented his work at the 2011 IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics (WASPAA) and the 2011 Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers. Alex plans to perform more extensive tests of his new BWG implementation in order to establish its utility in comparison to previous implementations. This will involve modeling various objects and methods of interaction.
- “Trainee Achievements”
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