IGERT students receive prestigious awards

Indoor Environmental Science and Engineering - An Emerging Frontier
University of Texas at Austin
(Austin, TX)
Trainee Achievements
IGERT students receive prestigious awards
Our IGERT students received prestigious awards linked directly to IGERT research. Three received awards from the International Society for Indoor Air Quality (ISIAQ). Affiliates Donghyun Rim and Chi Hoang, and trainee Michael Waring received all of ISIAQ’s best student paper awards. Chi also received 3rd place for student achievement. Four trainees (Elliott Gall, Priscilla Guererro, James Lo, Brent Stephens) received Grant-in-Aid awards from the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers. Affiliates Donghyun Rim and Federico Noris received NIOSH research training awards. Trainee Sonny Rosenthal received best student paper at the 2008 meeting of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication. Trainee Elizabeth Walsh received the UT School of Architecture’s outstanding student research award for her work on sustainable and affordable housing. Trainee Michael Waring received a prestigious UT Harrington Dissertation Fellowship.
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