Graduates begun professional careers abroad

IGERT: STAIR: Sustainable Technology through Advanced Interdisciplinary Research
University of Tennessee at Knoxville
(Knoxville, TN)
Trainee Achievements
Graduates begun professional careers abroad
The first two graduates of the STAIR program, Dr. Qifei Wang (IGERT associate, advised by Prof. David Keffer) and Dr. Michelle Everett (IGERT trainee, advised by Prof. Claudia Rawn), have begun their professional careers. Dr. Everett has translated her experience using the Spallation Neutron Source at Oak Ridge National Laboratory to a position as a laboratory manager at the new European Spallation Source in Lund, Sweden. This neutron source will eventually be the most powerful source of neutrons in the world. Dr. Wang accepted an attractive position as a facility research scientist for the Dutch polymer and chemical company, DSM, with operation in Nanjing, PRC.
- “Trainee Achievements”
- Achievements for this Project