Trainee presents at Global Lake Ecological Observatory Network G14 meeting in Ireland

Environmental Aquatic Resource Sensing: Basic Science, Business Education and Outreach
Kent State University
(Kent, OH)
Trainee Achievements
Trainee presents at Global Lake Ecological Observatory Network G14 meeting in Ireland
This past October, Jennie Bentrup had the opportunity to attend the Global Lake Ecological Observatory Network (GLEON) G14 meeting in Mulranny, Ireland. It was a very interesting and productive meeting on the beautiful west coast of Ireland. She presented a poster about the design and some preliminary results of the profiling buoy she designed and constructed for my IGERT internship at Fondriest Environmental, Inc. She also collaborated with colleagues in the Signal Processing Working Group to begin a project examining the relationships between chlorophyll fluorescence data from a global distribution of buoys and cardinal events. In January 2013, she was nominated to serve as the next GLEON Graduate Student Association (GSA) co-chair for a two-year appointment. In addition, she was also accepted into the GLEON Graduate Student Fellowship program. The goal of this program is to train graduate students on how to do team science and analyze large datasets.
- “Trainee Achievements”
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