Trainees present findings at professional meetings

IGERT: Risk Analysis for Introduced Species and Genotypes
University of Minnesota at Twin Cities
(St. Paul, MN)
Trainee Achievements
Trainees present findings at professional meetings
Three IGERT Trainees presented research findings at meetings of professional societies this year. Gina Quiram discussed variation among purple loosestrife populations in response to biological control at an invasive species conference in Duluth, Minnesota. Karrie Koch presented her findings on the effects of fungicide timing on soybean aphid fungal epizootics to the Entomological Society of America in Reno, NV and the Duluth conference. Scott Loss presented on the impacts of invasions of non-native earthworms on native ground-nesting songbirds at the Cooper Ornithological Society Meeting in Tucson, AZ. Scott also presented at the American Ornithological Union Conference in Portland, OR on amplification and transmission of West Nile virus. Trainees have established themselves as respected peers with important insights, are presenting their results at professional meetings, and are building their own professional networks that will lead to rewarding careers.
- “Trainee Achievements”
- Achievements for this Project