Rehabilitation system helps stroke survivors

An Arts, Sciences and Engineering Research and Education Initiative for Experiential Media
Arizona State University
(Tempe, AZ)
Research Achievements
Rehabilitation system helps stroke survivors
The Mixed Reality Rehabilitation team of the IGERT completed a pilot study that showed that its novel mediated rehabilitation system has the potential to significantly help the recovery of stroke survivors especially in the areas of sensory motor integration, development of generalizable movement strategies and self-correction. The team is also developing computational tools for assessing mediated rehabilitation and adapting the process to better fit each patient’s needs and progress. The tools extract correlations between standard clinical measures, self-reported data by the patients and detailed kinematics from mocap data. The team also developed a low cost version of the system for use in clinical settings and installed it in the rehabilitation wing of Banner Baywood Medical Center. Five interdisciplinary teams of IGERT trainees are working with physical therapists and medical doctors from Banner on the realization of a mediated rehabilitation study with 30 stroke survivors.
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