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NSF grant will establish dedicated nanoBIO node to Network for Computational Nanotechnology


As part of its ongoing efforts to improve the U.S. infrastructure for research and education in nanotechnology , a team of researchers at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, along with other university partners, has received a five-year $700,000/year grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF) to establish a dedicated nanoBIO node to the Network for Computational Nanotechnology (NCN), as part of a comprehensive plan with nation-wide reach to support nanoBIO research and education.

“The urgency to contain health care costs and improve services, the imperatives to provide safe and plentiful food supplies, and the need for efficient bio-fuel production as part of a sustainable energy strategy all point to biology as the pivotal science of the future, and nanotechnology as the enabler,” explained Umberto Ravaioli, a professor of electrical and computer engineering and principal investigator for the project. “Our goal is to build a bridge between engineering and biology; to create tools that introduce computation and visualization to make various biological processes interesting for engineering students. Read More >>